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Who we are

The “ Transapp ” Association, a second-level Association that brings together both Tuscan and Emilian organizations with the common aim of promoting the territory and the Porrettana Railway.

The member associations are:
Pro Loco Frassignoni, Circolo Legambiente Pistoia, Ecomuseum of the Pistoiese Mountains, Pro Loco of Pracchia, Pro Loco of Molino del Pallone, Pro Loco of Porretta Terme, Pro Loco of Casa Calistri, Association "Le Limentre" Cultural Association of Val d'Orsigna, Society sports "Silvano Fedi", Pro Loco di Castagno, Pro Loco di Piteccio, Association "History and city", Association "Group of studies Upper Reno valley", Pro Loco di Boschi, Pro Loco di Campeda, Pro Loco di San Mommè, Social Valley Committee (at Dynamo Camp), Pro Loco Ponte della Venturina, “Giallo Pistoia” Association, Linea Gotica Association - Officine della Memoria, Pro Loco Prataccio, Pro Loco Granaglione, Pro Loco di Vizzero, Happy Trail MTB, Railway Modeling Association.

The Governing Council is made up of:
Valerio Marchioni (President)
Rosella Lazzeroni (Vice President)
Beatrice Flore (Secretary)
Matteo Magnani (Treasurer)
Eva Bizzarri (director)
Luisa Sabatini (councilor)
Alessio Macciantelli (director)

Join us
We invite all the Associations interested in joining or collaborating with us to read the statute and send us the form below completed and signed by email to

Our history

The root of the "Transapp Project" originates in 2011, with a real movement of opinion among the inhabitants and the world of voluntary work in the Pistoia mountains (which saw the birth of the Viva la Porrettana Viva Committee, the Salviamo la Porrettana Facebook Group and of the Amici della Porrettana Association) and aggregated on the awareness that ours is a territory afflicted by a profound economic and social crisis, but at the same time it is still beautiful and rich in multiple resources that derive from a past of excellence, and on thought that by joining forces (even beyond the regional border) for a higher common interest, a new phase of development can be created. Since then, a path has begun where the movement has developed and expanded and also reached important collaborations with local and regional institutions, giving rise to concrete projects for the tourist promotion of the railway and the territory and of great importance, such as events related to the 150 ° della Porrettana and the minor railways projects 2015 and 2016.
Transapp formalizes this already substantial union into a permanent legal entity in order to do even more and better.



The Association aims to promote, organize or support any activity for the enhancement of the Porrettana railway and the social and tourist promotion of the Tuscan-Emilian mountain territory crossed, between Pistoia and Bologna, with the aim of recovering, as far as possible, the ancient important function of unitary infrastructure connecting the metropolitan area of Florence Prato Pistoia and the Metropolitan City of Bologna with particular attention to the Pistoiese Mountains and the area of the Upper Reno Valley. The railway must gradually become an integration and alternative to the current road transport for services aimed at commuters, for tourist services and freight transport. In this perspective, the Association aims to support and promote interventions for the use of the train and at the same time to increase the tourist offer of the aforementioned area, to promote a qualitative development of tourism by enhancing the peculiarities of this mountain environment. : cultural heritage spread throughout the territory, environmental heritage, typical gastronomic products, etc. For these purposes, the Association aims to solicit and promote intermodal integration between public services on rail and road and the various activities to promote train and tourism both on its own initiative and by joining initiatives of other subjects concerning the organization of excursions, exhibitions, shows, conferences, guided visits to local museums, etc. The collaboration and involvement of the various public and private subjects interested in the provision of services for the mobility of the resident population and the tourist movement will be sought. The Association will be able to provide services directly, according to its capacity, even at the request of public or private entities, however operating in the territory indicated above. The Association has as its objective the search for the availability of the owners, also collaborating with them, for the recovery of the structure of the former FAP station in Pracchia, currently in extreme degradation conditions.


For the above purposes, the Association will make use of the website currently called "porrettanatransapp" for the management of which it will use collaborators with the necessary professionalism requirements. Through the site, any information useful to satisfy any request regarding what the territory can offer as a cultural, environmental and typical products offer will be made available progressively. Other fundamental tools for achieving these objectives will be the information points to be set up in suitable premises of the Pracchia railway station, which will be requested to be granted on loan from the competent body, and at other locations in the area. For each service that can be provided, as well as in relation to real estate structures or means of transport, starting with the train, the priority objective to be pursued is the overcoming of architectural barriers and accessibility in general.

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